Water Industry Solutions
Offering a wide range of hardware, software, monitoring and integrated solutions addressing unique industry challenges and providing a pathway to smarter water management.

Mapping & Asset Management
Mapping & Locating – Leverages Trimble’s high accuracy GNSS receivers and Esri mapping technology
Asset Inspection – Configurable, easy-to-deploy cloud and mobile software apps and devices for automating field inspection work
Maintenance & Repair – Configurable field solution for automating asset maintenance and repair operations
Smart Metering – Industry leading handheld computers and software for meter reading, asset management and installation
AFC Mapper – Partner Solution – Bridge the gap between construction, mapping and maintenance management

Event Management
Water Quality – Solution for identifying and managing water quality incidents and water outages
Water Outage – Identifying and managing water incidents and events from the first customer call or alarms

IoT & Remote Monitoring
Aquifer \ Well – The ideal solution for monitoring aquifer and well levels, withdrawals and reporting.
Reservoir – Ideally suited for monitoring and reporting reservoir and surface water levels.
Tank – A reliable solution for monitoring and managing water storage tank levels and volumes.
Pump Station Monitoring – Monitor one or two pumps for on/off duration, record time stamps of each pump cycle along with sensors
Compound Meter – Capture the encoded register reading of single or dual water meters such as master meters
Mag Meter – Wireless flow and pressure monitoring and alarming for magnetic (mag) meters.
Hydrant Pressure – The ideal solution for monitoring pressure in a distribution system
Water Hamme – Idealy suited for capturing pressure transients and impulse events that cause water hammer
Pressure Reducing Valve – Tracking pressure reducing valve operations & flow. Wireless, user programmable, battery operated.
Pressure Relief Valve – The ideal solution for tracking pressure relief valve operations. Wireless, user programmable, battery operated.
Rainfall – The ideal solution for monitoring your tipping bucket style rain gauge. User programmable, battery operated.
Water Quality – The ideal solution for maintaining a safe water supply. Wireless, user programmable, battery operated.

Mobile Work Management- Powerful, simple-to-use and configurable GIS-centric mobile work management solution
Field Service Management – Configurable, simple-to-use GIS-centric mobile field service management solution
Rugged Mobile Devices – Rugged mobile devices and mapping receivers for field operations and high accuracy asset mapping and locating

Leak Detection
Mobile Leak Detection – All in one solution, accurate leak locating and surveying on a smartphone
Wireless Leak Monitoring and Detection – Proactively monitor and detect leaks on a water network to reduce leakage, non-revenue water and pipe bursts